+0.125 to Maximum Damage (Based on Character Level)ġ.5% Bonus to Attack Rating (Based on Character Level)Ģ0% Chance to cast level 32 Frozen Crown on Melee AttackĪdds 150-200 Poison Damage over 1 secondsġ0% Chance to cast level 32 Celerity on Killġ% Chance to cast level 7 Abyss on Striking See THIS PAGE for more information about runes.ĥ% Chance to cast level 9 Bloodlust on Kill Some runes drop only in certain levels, while others are made using a recipe. You can only make runewords in nonmagical socketed (grey) items! To make a runeword that has 2 runes, in an item with 4 sockets, for example, you must insert 2 jewels + 2 rune.
You can fill up the sockets before the rune with jewels.